Broadway Workshop is New York’s top training for young actors. Founder Marc Tumminelli (full disclosure: we’re married), has created a program that gives young performers of all skill levels a safe place to learn from top professionals working on Broadway and in film and television.
For their recent site redesign, it was important that they be able to easily add classes, workshops and summer programs to the site themselves. They enter the details on the back end, and all of the relevant class information (including pretty buttons for registration) are automatically updated.
Coronavirus Freshen-Up
In New York City, everything was closed down in the middle of March 2020. That means all live performances and venues, plus most public transit. The City that was open and thriving one day was closed the next. That includes all of Broadway Workshop’s in-person classes and camps.
We decided to freshen up the site to be clear that programs are still active and thriving in this new online world.
The landing page — all of the currently-enrolling programs populate a slideshow. Currently-enrolling classes are automatically added to this grid.